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2020 Annual Meeting

2020 Annual Meeting of the Members of the Delta Gamma Anchor Center for Blind Children

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to members of Anchor Center for Blind Children that the Board of Directors pursuant to organizations Bylaws, has called an Annual Meeting of the members.  According to Article 4,  The Voting Members shall consist of dues paying members in good standing of the Delta Gamma Fraternity residing in Colorado (the “Members”), and any elected member of the Board of Directors of Anchor Center for Blind Children (“Directors”). (Collectively the “Voting Members”).  The 2020 meeting will be held virtually due to COVID-19:

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 825 2637 2282

Password: 255080238


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Social Meet and Greet 5:30-6:00 p.m.

Business Meeting 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Zoom technology set up begins at 5:15pm.  If you are new to Zoom, please join early. 

We will be using polls for voting and breakout groups for social time.


The purpose for this Annual Meeting is as follows: 

1)     To comply with Article 5 of the Anchor Center for Bylaws.  (see reverse side for full Bylaws wording)

2)     To formally introduce the new Executive Director who started in Jan 2020.

3)     To share with the members the activity and accomplishments of 2019-20 and the anticipated goals for 2020-21 by the Board of Directors.

4)     To share the 2020-21 Budget and the slate of officers for 2020-22 as approved by the Board of Directors.

5)     To vote on proposed new Board Members

As noted in Article 5 a Quorum of 20 voting members is required to vote on item 5 and Proxies are not allowed.  Therefore, your attendance at this meeting is very important.

RSVP to SherryS718@gmail.com

RSVP’s are appreciated, but not required

See you June 9, 2020





Meeting of Members

1. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting shall be held during the month of June for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. The day and time shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Members may be held on call of the Board of Directors, or by request of at least ten (10) of the Voting Members.

3.  Place of Meeting. The Board of Directors may designate any place within the State of Colorado as the place of meeting for any annual meeting or for any special meeting called by the Board of Directors. If no designation is made or if a special meeting be otherwise called, the place of meeting shall be the registered office of Anchor Center for Blind Children in the State of Colorado.

4. Notice of Meetings. Notice stating the place, day and hour of any meeting of Members shall be made available to all Voting M embers through newsletters, legal notices and special announcements, not less than ten (10) or more than fifty (50) days before the date of such meeting, by or at the direction of the Secretary, or the persons calling the meeting. In the case of a special meeting or when required by statute or by these Bylaws, the purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called shall be stated in the notic

5. Q u o r u m. Twenty (20) Voting Members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. A majority vote is required to take action.

6. Proxi The proxy system of voting by Members of Anchor Center for Blind Children shall not be permitted.


Agenda 1

Agenda 2