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Anchor Center CVI Services

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NAVEG and CVI Services

Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) is a condition in which the eyes are functioning and healthy, but the brain is unable to reliably interpret visual information.

With over half of our students diagnosed with CVI and with CVI being the leading individual cause of pediatric blindness in developed countries, Anchor Center is proud to launch the CVI initiative.

As a new branch of service, the CVI initiative will include the addition of three core components to our programming and expertise:

1) Highly specialized (CVI) screening and assessment services;

2) Rigorous research to advance our understanding of CVI and the field of pediatric vision impairment overall; and

3) Valuable training for parents, caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals on the application of evidence-based and best practices for young children with blindness and CVI.


Screening and Assessment Services

Training and Instruction

Provide NAVEG screening instruction (2 online sessions and 1 in-person session)

♦ Educational organization training is $500 plus expenses

♦ Hospital or NICU staff training is $750 plus expenses

Learn more about our previous and current partnerships for NAVEG trainings.

Note: At this time there is little research available to early intervention providers on quality interventions for brain-based visual impairment. Anchor Center for Blind Children pledges to:

  • Seek training and endorsements in quality assessment practices
  • Learn more about the success rate for families who use our practices through case studies and research
  • Support the early intervention community with training and professional development about neurological visual impairment

To learn more about Anchor Center’s CVI services, contact Elise Darrow at edarrow@anchorcenter.org.

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