Recreation and Leisure
Forms the foundation for playing games, learning hobbies, fostering a sense of art and enjoying physical activity.
Find more information on our Pinterest page and YouTube channel!
Forms the foundation for playing games, learning hobbies, fostering a sense of art and enjoying physical activity.
Independent living skills refer to the routines that are part of living and our daily rhythms.
Having control over one's own life, setting goals, working to reach those goals, making choices and decisions and believing in oneself while understand one's abilities and limitation.
Young children with visual impairments need direct instruction, both the teaching and modeling of appropriate behaviors, and a lot of opportunity to practice.
A way of knowing your world and a way of moving through it.
Any device that can be used to substitute for or enhance certain impaired skills or abilities.
Includes learning to read and write in braille, listening for environmental sounds and to know where they are in a room.
Helps young children learn about the workings of the world around them and their place in it.
The ability to effectively process and use sensory information through the remaining intact senses.