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Anchor Center Collaborates with Early Intervention Vision Professionals to use the NAVEG in identifying neurological risks in infants

Anchor Center for Blind Children is excited to announce our new collaboration with the Early Intervention vision professionals with the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) and staff from the University…

November 4, 2021
Savannah Wippel

Anchor Center for Blind Children is excited to announce our new collaboration with the Early Intervention vision professionals with the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) and staff from the University of New Mexico NICU to use the Neonatal Assessment Vision European Grid (NAVEG) in identifying neurological risk that may lead to CVI. 

Cathy Smyth, Director of Research; Callie Robinson, TSVI-EI and Research Assistant, and Tamara Miller, TSVI-EI and Research Assistant have provided two online trainings covering the NAVEG content and the importance of Infant Behavioral States during assessment and on October 26-28, 2021 traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to provide a full-day in-person training on the NAVEG. The training at NMSBVI included 19 Early Intervention vision professionals and two developmental staff from the University of New Mexico NICU. Dr. Kitty Edstrand, Director of Research at NMSBVI, and Julie Maner, director of the NMSBVI early Intervention vision team will be working with the Anchor Center NAVEG team to determine how best to continue collecting data to determine the effectiveness of the NAVEG.  

Additionally, both Utah’s Parent-Infant Program and the Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired in Kansas City Missouri received the NAVEG training and Kansas City’s Mercy Children’s Hospital invited Cathy Smyth for an initial meeting to discuss participation with CCVI on November 19, 2021.

Interested in learning more about how Anchor Center is leading the way in serving young children with CVI through groundbreaking research and unparalleled teaching expertise? Click here to read more!

Click the link below to learn more from Anchor Center’s Research Director (Dr. Catherine Smyth) and lead Pediatric Ophthalmologist (Dr. Robert King of Children’s Eye Physicians) on the information gained and earlier intervention opportunities available by utilizing the NAVEG test.