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Summer Sprouts Infant/Toddler Program

Registration Deadline: May 22, 2021

Anchor Center’s Summer Program for Infants and Toddlers: Summer Sprouts!

WHO: Summer Sprouts is for Anchor Center infants and toddlers, ages birth to 3, attending with a caregiver. Optional sibling care is also available. For Anchor Center preschoolers, visit the Anchor’s Away summer program page.

WHAT: This is a unique summer-style program where Anchor Center families with infants and toddlers can drop in at anytime, for any length of time, on scheduled days. While less structured than school-year programming, children and families will enjoy full use of Anchor Center facilities and continue to develop their skills with staff – all while having some summer fun!

WHEN: Summer Sprouts is scheduled for four Mondays in July from 9:30am-12:30pm. The dates this year are July 6th, 13th, 2oth, and 27th.

COST: $50 per Anchor Center child for all four days. Sibling care is offered at $20 for an unlimited number of siblings for all four days.
*There are a very limited number of scholarships for those families in need of financial assistance. Please contact Deb Curry, Director of Family Services, for more information. dcurry@anchorcenter.org.

DEADLINE: Register below by May 22, 2021, in order to secure your spot.

FORMS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION: Please download this Summer Program Registration Form, fill it out and email it to Courtney Albers at calbers@anchorcenter.org  immediately after registration.

If you have questions please contact Intake and Referral Manager Courtney Albers at 303-377-9732 Ext. 133 or calbers@anchorcenter.org. If your child is NOT currently enrolled at Anchor Center, you will be sent additional registration materials after completing your online registration.

NOTE: If your student has been approved for a scholarship, please enter the agreed upon payment in the ‘Additional Donation’ section of the form below.

Register for Summer Sprouts!