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Share Anchor Center's CO Gives Day Campaign

Sharing Made Easy

You can help spread the word by sharing Anchor Center’s CO Gives Day page and campaign with your friends and family.



Easy to share messaging

Here are some important messages that people might not know! Feel free to copy and paste when sharing Anchor Center’s campaign with your friends and family.

  • The $1.4 Million Incentive Fund is a pool of dollars to boost every donation made through ColoradoGives.org on Colorado Gives Day. Your money to Anchor Center goes further when donated through my CO Gives Day campaign.
  • Did you know that Anchor Center is nearly 95% funded by donors like you? And they never turn a family away due to inability to pay. Donations to Anchor Center literally help change lives for children with visual impairments in Colorado.
  • Your gift of $100 (for example) will only cost you $50. Yes, your donation to Anchor Center is eligible for the Colorado Child Care Contribution tax credit! (CO residents will receive 50% of your contribution as a credit on your Colorado state taxes.)
  • Add CO Gives Day to your calendar so you don’t forget to donate.
  • Share a badge with friends and family to show that you donated  – and don’t forget to include a link to Anchor Center’s campaign so people can learn more!

Thank you for helping support Anchor Center!

By sharing our campaign, you are helping provide hope and changing lives.

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