Anchor's CVI Endorsed Team
Our teaching staff works closely with a pediatric ophthalmologist and together have participated in an in-depth study of Amanda Hall Lueck and Gordon Dutton’s book Vision and the Brain. Likewise, some of our teaching staff have taken the Perkins web-based course to broaden their understanding of recommended practices for assessment and strategies in working with children with CVI.
We currently have four teachers of the visually impaired (TVI) who are Perkins-Roman CVI Range Endorsed; these individuals have gone through a rigorous skills and knowledge test demonstrating an understanding of administering and scoring the CVI Range©. Anchor Center has 12 additional teachers and therapists who have gone through the Perkins-Roman CVI Range course to gain an understanding of the principles and practices of working with students who have CVI. We are committed to quality assessment practices for our students.
We strive to provide students, families, educators, and other professionals with the same knowledge we have gained. Want to know more? See presentations by Anchor Center TVIs: Elise Darrow’s presentation on “Various Uses of Technology in Relation to the Specific Phases of CVI” and Callie Robinson and Tamara Miller’s presentation on “Improving Systems for Early Interventions for Families of Children with Neurological Visual Impairments.”
While implementing intervention strategies to students who have CVI, our staff is also working hard to provide families and teachers alike with information on CVI. We have held in-person and virtual CVI-based discussions, trainings, individual consultations with teachers and much more.