Event Details
Click here to learn more about our 2020 Virtual Sunset in the City!
Dear Friend,
Since retiring it has been my privilege to volunteer for some incredible organizations. The Anchor Center for Blind Children is certainly at the top of the list. The Anchor Center provides early education and intervention services for children birth to age five who are blind or visually impaired. The phenomenal work being done at the Center ensures lifelong success for these children and their families.
I have been serving on their committee organizing the September 19th Sunset In The City virtual event. I’m sending you this invitation to participate because I know you have a big heart and would like to see a better world for all of us, including these special kids and their families. There is no cost to attend the virtual event and I hope you’ll consider participating. Please take a look at the attached Invitation and sign up. You’ll be glad you did.
In Friendship, Geri Adams
Click here to register for this free event now, and consider a donation of $150, the traditional cost of a ticket.
Click here to learn more about this event.
Can’t make the virtual event but want to donate?