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Once you start giving back, you know it’s the right thing to do…and it gets so much easier when you stop by Anchor Center to see those little kids.

John S., Donor

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With your generous support, children who are blind or visually impaired will receive critical education, therapies, and hope for a better future.

Calculate Your Tax Savings

Try out our calculator to estimate YOUR tax savings!

STEP 1: Use the slider to choose your Donation Amount – the amount you would like Anchor Center for Blind Children to receive.

STEP 2: Choose your Federal Tax Rate. Not sure? Click on the question mark for a chart to help you determine your bracket.

STEP 3: Look at the Cost to Donor to see how much will actually come out of your pocket!

STEP 4: Ready to give? Scroll down and give a gift to help provide hope to children with visual impairments and their families.

*Calculator tool assumes taxpayer itemizes deductions. Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit is a 50% tax credit for qualifying donations, granted to both individuals and businesses who file a Colorado State Tax Return, regardless of whether taxes are itemized or standard deduction is made. Illustrative examples only, and as with all potential tax benefits originating from charitable contributions, please consult your tax advisor.

Calculate Your Contribution Credit

$100 $50,000 $100,000
Federal Tax Rate Rate Chart ?
Cost to Donor:   
Colorado Child Care Tax Credit:
Charitable Deduction Federal Saving:
Charitable Deduction Colorado Tax Saving:
Total Tax Saving:
*Federal Tax Bracket Unmarried Individual Taxable Income over Married, Joint ReturnsTaxable Income Over Head of Household Taxable Income over
10% $0 $0 $0
12% $9,525 $19,050 $13,600
22% $38,700 $77,400 $51,800
24% $82,500 $165,000 $82,500
32% $157,500 $315,000 $157,500
35% $200,000 $400,000 $200,000
37% $500,000 $600,000 $500,000


Your cash contribution to Anchor Center for Blind Children qualifies for a 50% Colorado Child Care Contribution Credit. Anchor Center donors (including individuals, estates, trusts, partnerships, and corporations) who file a Colorado state tax return are eligible to claim the credit for qualifying contributions they make during the given calendar year.

What you receive:

  • Half of your qualifying monetary donation is offset dollar-for-dollar against your Colorado income taxes. Please note that stock or other securities and in-kind gifts, such as labor or equipment, are not eligible but may qualify for other tax benefits.
  • In addition you can deduct your full qualifying contribution on your federal and state income taxes if you itemize deductions.
  • In the case of donations associated with events, only the deductible portion of your payment, reduced by the value of goods or services received, is eligible. You will be advised of the net amount eligible for the credit.

The result:

  • A decrease in the after-tax cost of gifts by more than 50%
  • The great feeling of knowing your gift is making an impact for Anchor’s children and families while providing donor friendly tax benefits for your charitable giving goals.

At the end of each year we will mail you the necessary form to claim the credit for all qualifying gifts received during that calendar year. Donors should contact their tax advisor for advice regarding how to apply the credit as information here is not considered tax advice. For more information please visit the Colorado Department of Revenue Bulletin.

Questions? Contact our Development team for more information.

We Are Asher

Amy and Simon, parents of Asher, share their family's story of how their grief has transformed into hope for their son's future.

"When Asher was born we heard a lot of 'he won't' and 'he will never be able to'... At 3 weeks old we walked with Asher into Anchor Center for Blind Children and immediately knew we had come to the right place. His world is now full of 'he can' and 'he will'.