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2019 Preschool Graduates

Meet the Graduating Class of 2019!

Click through to see pictures of each graduates Anchor Center journey, learn more about them, and give a gift in honor of one or more of them!


Most likely to be a fashion designer AND hair model.

Meet Brett

Most likely to become a Garden Design Specialist, specializing in edible gardens for farm-to-table cooking.

Meet Emily

Most likely to become the world's most famous horse whisperer.

Meet Laura

Most likely to become a yoga instructor, and open her own studio.

Meet Makenzie

Most likely to become a TV personality by day and leader of a band called "Pink Power" by night.

Meet Millie

Most likely to design the best bungee swing equipment for Disney.

Meet Talon

Most likely to become a veterinarian, specializing horses, dogs, cats, zebras, and...really, any animal will be welcomed.

Meet Yanick

Honor the graduates with a gift!