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Family-Focused Vision Development Idea Sheets

The early intervention vision staff of Anchor Center for Blind Children have created a collection of one page “Idea Sheets” that can be shared with families of young children with visual impairment. Simple strategies that address visual behavior needs are highlighted in each sheet based on the “Make It Easier” terms (Pilling, 2002). These Family-Focused Vision Development Idea Sheets provide:

  • a brief research-based explanation of a specific visual behavior
  • a vignette that shares an “everyday” routine between a parent and child to foster a discussion between vision professionals and caregivers
  • simple ideas to adapt the home environment for the identified visual behavior
  • simple strategies to enhance functional vision focused activities into daily routines 

We hope that these Family-Focused Vision Development Idea Sheets will be used in collaboration with a teacher of visual impairment in the home to determine which strategies can be embedded into daily routines by the family. Each Idea Sheet is available in English and Spanish.

MIE-BBB - Light

Does your child stare at overhead lights? Is your child more attracted to objects that are illuminated (e.g. toys, mobile devices, windows)? If it is too bright, does your child close or rub their eyes?

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MIE-BBB - Light (Spanish)

¿Su hijo mira fijamente las luces del techo? ¿Su hijo se siente más atraído por los objetos que están iluminados (p.e., juguetes, espejos, ventanas)? Si es demasiado brillante, ¿su hijo cierra o se frota los ojos?

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EI-Give Me Time

Have you ever noticed a delayed response in your child’s visual attention? How long does it take for your child to look at a toy or person?

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EI-Give Me Time (Spanish)

¿Alguna vez ha notado una respuesta tardía en la atención visual de su hijo(a)? ¿Cuánto tiempo tarda su hijo(a) en mirar un juguete o una persona?

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MIE-EI Keep It Still

Does your child love to watch ceiling fans? Is your child attracted to the TV when there is a show with lots of activity? (e.g. sports, cartoons) When in the car, does your child gaze out of the window at objects passing by or prefer to be in the stroller?

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MIE-EI Keep It Still (Spanish)

¿Ha notado que su niño(a) mira fijamente los ventiladores de techo cuando se mueven? ¿Su niño(a) se siente atraído por la televisión cuando hay un programa con mucha actividad? (por ejemplo, deportes o dibujos animados) o ¿nota que su niño(a) evita ver películas rápidas en las pantallas? Cuando está en el coche, ¿su niño(a) mira por la ventanilla los objetos que pasan o prefiere estar en el cochecito/carreola?

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MIE-IE Better On Left/Right

Does your child hang his head down to look down? Does your child miss obstacles when things are on his left or right side?

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MIE-IE Better On Left/Right (Spanish)

¿Su hijo agacha la cabeza para mirar hacia abajo? ¿Su hijo pasa por alto los obstáculos cuando las cosas están a su izquierda o a su derecha?

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